viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


About Khronos
The people who live in Khronos are similar to Martians and Venusians because they like sports enjoy life, spend time with their families, and are very understanding.
Khronos is very similar to Purple Word because both enjoy life, care about the nature, like to be with their family and friends, and they are very honest. They don’t have traffic jams and a really like that!!!!!
I can live in Khronos because is similar to Purple Word so I can get use to living there. They are good people.
PS: I never had seen Star Wars, so I can’t compare Khronos with one of the characters.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Homework 1

Purple World

Characteristics of Purple World’s people:

- Kind

- Hard workers

- Talkative

- Trustworthy

- Don’t lie

- Loyal

- Funny

- Friendly

- They believe in God

- Honest


- They are hard workers

- Sometimes they like to resolve their problems by themselves, sometimes they ask for help. It depends how big the problem is.

- Depending on their mood they enjoy to be along, other days they like to be with their friends

- They like sports.

- They talk with their friends very often.

- They are always honest, loyal, kind and friendly with the people around them.

- They enjoy to go shopping.


- In general they have no differences with Martians and Venusians.

About Purple World

Purple Word is surrounded by nature. It has beautiful waterfalls, beaches, flowers, trees, animals and landscapes.

The people in Purple World are very kind and friendly. They like to work, practice sports, and share time with their family and friends.

They are eco friendly. And care about how they can preserve their natural resources.

They have very healthy practices like eat well, practice sports, don’t smoke and don’t use drugs. Sometimes they drink but not get drunk. Also laugh a lot, avoid stress, and see the positive way of everything. That’s the key of their healthy life.

They really appreciate their life, that’s why they enjoy every minute of their life